Pagan in the City

Many pagans live in bustling cities and manicured suburbs, far away from untamed nature and rural farming communities.  This is either by choice or because of other constraints, such as their job or family.  But just because one doesn’t live in a dense forest surrounded by native plants and wild animals, or live on a homesteadContinue reading “Pagan in the City”

The Broom Closet

One of the major discussions among Pagan groups is whether or not to be in ‘the broom closet’.  This is reference to a person being open about their Pagan beliefs to others, including their friends, family, co-workers, or the general public.  It’s a touchy subject, which many Pagans have strong opinions about. Coming out ofContinue reading “The Broom Closet”

Daily Wicca

While a witch’s life might be full of Sabbats and Esbats, one might have trouble finding the magic in everyday life.  However there are some things you can do daily to assist your spiritual growth and connection to Wicca.  A few minutes a day can help build upon existing knowledge and create a deeper connectionContinue reading “Daily Wicca”

Pagan Pages – Witches in Media

Witches are popular characters in books, movies and TV shows.  They have been portrayed in a variety of ways, from the wicked cackling old hag, to the young and sassy neophyte first discovering her powers.  A boom in witch-themed TV and movies in the 90s, such as The Craft and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, spawnedContinue reading “Pagan Pages – Witches in Media”

Wicca 101 Books

I believe it was Scott Cunningham that encouraged new witches to read everything they can get their hands on when first exploring the Craft. I agree with this wholeheartedly! There is a multitude of ‘Wicca 101’ books on the market, and it can seem daunting to sift through them and choose which ones to read.Continue reading “Wicca 101 Books”